Friday, February 17, 2006


I missed writing one post in between coz i was feeling too lazy. A lot has happened. i'll write about that later.

right now, i am.. i dont know what. Angry, frustrated, disappointed, i dont know what. people say its just a game. that is the biggest sop to anyone that has ever been created. even though i have used it myself to ease the pain and hurt and disappointment of someone else.

So what if it is just a game. All games are meant to be won. What hurts most is when you lose because of yourself. hurt is an inadequate word.

Time and again the same thing repeats itself. Right now i am ready fr murder. and i know its not fair on my friends. but the problem is something they will not undertsand. its not about the game at all. if it was then competitive matches would never be played at all. it is about pitting your skills against someone else, about wanting to prove to yourself that you are better than someone else. and when you lose, you lose your sense of worth, which is the worst that can happen. The worst thing that can ever happen to anyone is them not playing their natural game, which is what happens to me.

Its all a nice little pattern where good ol' history repeats itself.

the coin tossed and love all called
the minute that happens, i dont know what happens to me. its like playing with a blindfold. i can see but not quite. there is this haze that surrounds me and weakens my reflexes.

maybe it is nervousness or just acute fear of a match.
why cant i play my natural game like all others play? when i am taking part in any competition it is like my ghost playing. i am not there in flesh and blood. nothing makes sense. yet i take part in competitive matches, maybe to tell myself that i am good, maybe to give myself another oppotunity to snap out of the weird (to say the least!) phase

some people dont take part because they dont like the competition. me too, but i cant just lose out wherever there is competition and that is what i keep trying to tell myself.

the worst match is the one where u lose to a mediocre opponent forced more by ur mistakes. my game becomes a shadow of itself in any bloody match, which is the trouble.

anyway, lets see if it gets any better in later years.

have heard some people saying that ur attitude to the game is what matters. well.. it really isnt fair then is it? because howver much u improve, when u r out there ur "attitude" just takes over and u lose.

well... lets see. there were mccanros in the world too

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Yeah...since i last wrote. Anj seems to think that my 'blogomania' seems to have worn off. Boy!! if that is true then that has got to be a record. I'm sure even guys hang around girls for a longer time than that (!!!)

3 days and 3 nights (scratch,scratch!! hey i am desperately looking for inspiration. i've got a writer's blog - hehe sorry cudnt resist that one!)

Btw ever noticed how most people never notice u until u do something very uncharacteristic of yourself!! and also that people are jst DYING to know what is happening in other people's lives. it doesnt make a difference that you dont know that person from Adam, - (and they say curiosity killed the cat!!)

Anyway...this deeeeeeeeeeeeeep undertstanding of perverse human behaviour led me to rename my nick (just for the heck!!). I made it "in love (blush blush)" (btw i also realised that people's love lives are the 1 aspect that others find most fascinating!)


No. of hits: 10

Even an obscure cousin who i havent spoken to in ages, tried to find out what was actually behind that cryptic nick. all efforts to explain the motive behind it were firmly squashed. "there is no smoke without fire...there just has to be soemthing that has been happening"!!

and all this for the 'ahhhhhh! i know what you've been upto' factor!!

Damn!!i wish i had chosen this as my thesis topic. wud have finished proving my hypothesis by now too!!

In the last 3 days, another high point has been the 'Subway' outing. had a blast.
ooh! nothing like a good ol' 'sandwich' (wink wink! if ur reading this blog u know what i talking abt!!) with oodles of mayo, mustard, cheese, chicken ham, lamb, olives to make ur day

of course on the return was turned into the grocery boy, running errands for friends, buying stuff - juices, snacks etc etc (hehe! dont take me up on this 1 guys - this is supposed to be a space where one can be politically incorrect!!)

anyway...cant think of anything else to write. have reached the laptop equivalent of "chewing my pen"



Monday, February 06, 2006

a.k.a Of TV, Tea, Tiffs and Thesis

Phew!! One of 'those' days.
you wake up in the morning and a lazy day stretches ahead of you. Perfect weather, propitious signs, and.. to top it all, an Indo-Pak one-day in store. Ingredients for a smashing, scrumptious (er...yes i do tend to describe most things as i wud describe food!!) deliciously relaxed day.

And then it begins to go wrong.

Slowly.... at first you dont really recognize the storm signs. only in hind sight do u realise that things had already begun to go awry.

1. First 'omen'- stupid bee in my bonnet...and in my room. refused to fly out and kept trying to dodge me (i sayz to meself - zeees be a sign...from ze heavenz above! rubbish actually, i thought no such thing except what an idiotic bee it was!!)

2. Exciting match becomes a damp squib. Would be nail biting finish ruined by Messieurs Duckworth and Lewis. (for the non-cricket buffs, this is a statistical tool used for calculating the outcome of a match in event of a wash out or the match being stalled, propounded by the aforementioned gentlemen

Trivia: very few people have really been able to figure out how the bloody thing works and none of them, cricketers!!)
Incidentally, India lost

3. Had to get down to AP work. for people who unable to understand my lack of enthusiam, plz refer to previous post.

4. Was up for a rude shock and a li'l tiff (pple shud be able to understand wht it was abt from a 'hidden' clue in the post itself!!)

In the words of good ol' Enid Blyton - "A lovely day with a horrid ending"

Mama said there'll be days like this

Day End Summary

High Points:

  • Inzy getting out for 'obstructing the ball' (hee hee!! almost makes India's losing bearable!!)
  • Chaat at Rasmadhur
  • Made peace with friend

Er...Not-so-high points:

Pounds lost: -30

Boyfriends: Still 0!!

Here's signing off to a better tomorrow! (hopefully!!)

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Hehe!! No really, am not a pompous, stuck up ass as the heading might make me sound. For the uninitiated, the line is kind of taken from Bridget Jones. For the people who know...well you know it!!

But have been told by friends, that 3 comments on the first post is a very good hit rate (the fact that the 3 posts are by 2 friends is quite immaterial!!!)

So..having established myself as an author of great promise, i shall proceed to list out what i have been upto since the last post 2 hrs ago.

AP... not Associated Press or Andhra Pradesh. This is Account Planning, the specialisation that i have taken up in my second year at MICA. Hmmm...nothing to do with accounts, finance or anything. Is about advertising.

and my group was working on this brand of shampoo. at the end of 2 hrs had had just about enough of hair. We split hair (!), dissected the brand and my scalp has been deprived of a few handfuls that i have pulled out!!

After that, heard some wierd sounds emanating from upstairs (which btw is hardly unusual over here!!) but anyway for lack of anything better to do, we also traipsed upstairs. A bunch of classmates were dancing with gay abandon to Tam songs. Stood apart shaking head at them for precisely 5 min before was dragged into the room. Back hurting now but thoroughly enjoyed self. Am wondering whethre the world is indeed not a much more enjoyable place without men (and no... this is NOT sour grapes)

Anyway, bones protesting now, so will end.

This is Davie Jones from Situp MICA, signing off!!!
FINALLY!!! this has to be the best example of Newtons first law (or whichever one it was) - inertia - a thing at rest will resist all efforts to make it move. after about a year of knowing about blogging, badgering from my friends to start one, i have finally started my own blog. well... i actually was forced into it by which wudnt let me post a comment on my sis's blog. Well...whatver the reason, here i am.

First hurdle, my friends have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE as to why i chose this name. my efforts at being punny, funny and witty went totally, utterly flat. Let me explain -

1. Davy Jones exists - it is the spirit of the sea- and at a young age i used to really like this movie called the davy jones' locker hence the title

2. my name is Devika and some irritating friends delight in calling me devi which can also be written as davie (are we clearer yet??!)

3. my initials are DJ and my life seems to closely follow the inimitable Bridget Jones (though a Mark Darcy seems to be a far cry right now!!), hence the jones and the D Jones Diary in the blog name

well i thought i had an absolutely super blog name and a sure winner on my hands, but as they say for consumers (in marketing, market research, account planning and god knows what else), people are absolutely fickle and unpredictable

Damn!!! and i graduated in a subject that is based on the assumption that humans are rational!! which makes me wonder if i really wasted 3 years of my life.

He He, anyway, enough for 1 day. will write again!!

Day End Summary

Pounds lost : -20
Boyfriends : 0
Possibility of one : -30

Au Revoir