Monday, February 06, 2006

a.k.a Of TV, Tea, Tiffs and Thesis

Phew!! One of 'those' days.
you wake up in the morning and a lazy day stretches ahead of you. Perfect weather, propitious signs, and.. to top it all, an Indo-Pak one-day in store. Ingredients for a smashing, scrumptious (er...yes i do tend to describe most things as i wud describe food!!) deliciously relaxed day.

And then it begins to go wrong.

Slowly.... at first you dont really recognize the storm signs. only in hind sight do u realise that things had already begun to go awry.

1. First 'omen'- stupid bee in my bonnet...and in my room. refused to fly out and kept trying to dodge me (i sayz to meself - zeees be a sign...from ze heavenz above! rubbish actually, i thought no such thing except what an idiotic bee it was!!)

2. Exciting match becomes a damp squib. Would be nail biting finish ruined by Messieurs Duckworth and Lewis. (for the non-cricket buffs, this is a statistical tool used for calculating the outcome of a match in event of a wash out or the match being stalled, propounded by the aforementioned gentlemen

Trivia: very few people have really been able to figure out how the bloody thing works and none of them, cricketers!!)
Incidentally, India lost

3. Had to get down to AP work. for people who unable to understand my lack of enthusiam, plz refer to previous post.

4. Was up for a rude shock and a li'l tiff (pple shud be able to understand wht it was abt from a 'hidden' clue in the post itself!!)

In the words of good ol' Enid Blyton - "A lovely day with a horrid ending"

Mama said there'll be days like this

Day End Summary

High Points:

  • Inzy getting out for 'obstructing the ball' (hee hee!! almost makes India's losing bearable!!)
  • Chaat at Rasmadhur
  • Made peace with friend

Er...Not-so-high points:

Pounds lost: -30

Boyfriends: Still 0!!

Here's signing off to a better tomorrow! (hopefully!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't really get your enthusiasm for cricket and have now decided that i don't for the Chaat either. But yes, do completely empathize on topic of NWCW that made u pull your hair out.

Not much to Rejoice about, is there?


2:46 PM  
Blogger DeepBlueSea said...

I don't feel like commenting, you sidey woman... since you don't comment on my blog at all. Hmpf.

9:00 PM  

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